Erasmus Ders Karşılıkları

Politecnico di Torino Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
01KQES Aerodinamica Teorica UCK351 Aerodinamik
61466 Aerodynamics I UCK351 Aerodinamik
14AKSES Controlli automatici UCK362E Automatic Control

Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
01IJOES Equipaggiamenti di bordo e sistemi avionici UCK448 Aviyonik Sistemler
15AULES Elettrotecnica ELE 211 Basics of Electrical Circuits
Xxxx Graduation Thesis UZB492 Bitirme Projesi
01IHSES Meccanica dele macchina UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
03KWQE Mathematical Analysis I MAT 201 Differantial Equations
06EJBEX Economia EKO 201 Economy

Economics and Management EKO201 Ekonomi

English Technical Writing ING201 English III
01EUGES Mechanica del volo UCK322E Flight Mechanics
05BOXFJ Meccanica dei fluidi AKM 204E Fluid Mechanics
01BAQES Gasdinamica MAK434 Gaz Türbinleri
02COEES Strutture aerospaziali UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
01EUCES Costruzioni aeronautichs UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
02CLYES Storia della Tecnologia İTB218E History of Science&Technology
60076 Business Administration HUK201 İş Hukuku (SB)
73994 Aerospace Structures and Materials MAL201 Malzeme
08CFREX Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali MAL201 Materials Science
01IHTES Propolsione aeronautica UCK437 Motorlar
24AGIFJ Calcolo numerico MAT202E Numerical Methods
06CKRES Statistica MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik
01GNÇST Qualita e misure UB341 Ölçme Tekniği
06CKRES Statistica MAT 271 Probability and Statistics

Applied Aerodynamics UZB386 Sınır Tabaka
70544 Space Systems UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
03IHRES Fondamenti di meccanica strutturale MUK 203 Strength of Materials I
01IHXES Fondamenti della propolsione aerospaziale UCK421 Tepki ile Tahrik
01IHQES Termodinamica applicata e trasmissione del calore UCK 212 Thermodynamics

On-board Equipments UCK461 Uçak Bordo Aletleri

Aircraft Constructions UCK416 Uçak Yapıları
61471 Aerospace Structures UCK33 1 Hava Uzay Yapıları
61466 Aerodynamics I UCK351 Aerodynamics
01KQOES Therotical Aerodynamics UCK351 Aerodynamics
01FICES Teoria dell'elasticita UCK472 Aeroelastisite
61471 Aerospace Structures UCK331 Aerospace Structures
02COEES Aerospace Structures UCK331 Aerospace Structures
01EUCES Aircraft Constructions UCK331 Aerospace Structures
70545 Space Flight Mechanics UZB421E Attitude Determination and Control
14AKSES Automatics Controls UCK362E Automatic Control
61468 Fundamentals of Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
83401 Fundamentals of Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
14AKSES Controlli Automatici UCK362E Automatic Control
15AULES Int to Electrical Eng. ELE211 Basics of Electrical circuits
70533 Aircraft Construcitve Elements UZB487 CAD/CAM
01LTWES Advanced CAD Technologies For Product Development UZB487 CAD/CAM
02FJGEX Science and technology of composite materials UCK 236E Composite Materials
01GDVFQ Flussi Compessibili UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamic
01GDVFQ Compressible Flows UZB362 Compressible Aerodynamics
72658 Machines Design UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
02IJIES Fundamentals of Machies UZB 361E Design of Machine Elements
72398 Economics EKO201 Economics
06EJBEU Economica EKO201 Ekonomi
83405 Business and Economics and Organization EKO201 Ekonomi
70542 Experimental Techniques in Aerospace Engineering UCK372 Experimental Engineering
70538 Airtransport Logistics and Organization UCK318 Flight Experiences I
01EUGES Meccanica del vuolo UCK322E Flight Mechanics
01EUGES Flight mechanics UCK 322E Flight mechanics
01LNDES Flight Stability Control And Quality UCK441E Flight Stability And Control
01EUGES Flight Mechanics UCK322E Fligth Mechanics
05BOXFJ Fluid Mechanics AKM204 Fluid Mechanics
01BOXBK Fluid Mechanics AKM204 Fluid Mechanics
02COEES Strutture Aerospaziali UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları

Aerospace Structures UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
70538 Airtransport Logistics and Organization UCK457 Havayolu İşletmeciliği (SB)
01IHQES Applied Termodynamics and heat Transmission UZB232 Heat Transfer
01BPIFQ Helicopter Flight Dynamics UCK459 Helikopter Teorisi
02CLYES History of Science and Tech. ITB218E History of Science and Tech.
02CLYES Storia Della Tecnologia ITB218E History of Science and Tech.
02AVDFN Partial Differantial Equations UZB218E Int. To Partial Diff. Eq. İn Eng
01BHDES Computer Science BİL104E Int. to Sci&Eng. Com. (C)
01ETPCX Torino: Sviluppo urbanistico e architetura della citta ITB211 ITB

Complementary Activity B

(Activia Complementare B
02ETOTEO Torino the City and its Architectures SNT211E İstanbul Hist. Art. And Society
02FQGEO Torino, The City and its Architecture ITB211E İstanbul: History, art and Society
01KBKES Legislazione aeronautica, normative EU e fattori umani HUK201 İş Hukuku
02IHVES Legislazione aeronautica e fattori umani/stabilita contorolli e qualita di volo HUK201 İş Hukuku
01IHTES Aeronautic Propulsion UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles
05CFRES Science and Tech. Of Materials MAL201 Materials Science
70541 Measurements and Instruments in Aerospace UZB341 Measurements Techniques
72653 Aircraft Engines MAK354 Motorlar
61467 Dynamics of the Aerospace Systems
75890 Corrosion and Corresion Control (A+B)
70535 Aerospace Technologies
24AGIFJ Numerical Methods MAT202E Numerical Methods
24AGIFF Calcolo numerico MAT202E Numerical Methods
03AGGFN Calcolo Delle Probabilita MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik
02AVDFN Equazioni Differenziali UZB218E Partial Differential Equation
15AXPES Physics II FIZ102E Physics II
01KXWES Physics II FIZ102E Physics II
03AGGFN Calcolo della probabilita MAT271E Probality and Statistics
06CKRES Statistica
Probality and Statistics
70529 Aerospace Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
70546 Space Energy Systems UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
70529 Aerospace Propulsion
03CGFDV Sensors and transducers UZB 244 Sensors and Actuators
01IHXES Fondeneti della propulsione aerospaziale
Tepki ile Tahrik
01IHQES Applied Termodynamics and heat Transmission UCK201 Thermodynamics
01EUCES Aircraft Constructions (Construzioni Aeronautiche C) UCK416 Uçak Yapıları

Fundamentals of Machies (Fondamenti di Mechine) UCK488 Uçak Hidrolik Sistemleri (SB)

Politecnico di Milano Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
61466 Aerodynamics I UCK351 Aerodynamics
61471 Aerospace Structues UCK331 Aerospace Structures
61468 Fundamentals of Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control

Automatic Control Systems UCK362E Automatic Control
60076 Bussiness Administration HUK201 Bussiness Law
70533 Aircraft Construcitve Elements UZB487 CAD/CAM
72602 Mechanical Design of Machine Elemets UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
70542 Experimental Techniques in Aerospace Engineering UCK372 Experimental Engineering
70538 Airtransport Logistics and Organization UCK318 Flight Experiences I

Aerospace Stuctures UZB311 Hava Uzay Yapıları

Thermoddynamics and Heat Transfer UZB232 Heat Transfer
70541 Measurements and Instruments in Aerospace UZB341 Measurements Techniques
86225 Principles of Aerospace Experimentation (Measurements) UZB341 Measurements Techniques

Aircraft Engines UCK437 Motorlar
61469 Flight Mechanics -- MT
73993 Analitical & Numerical Meth. İn Aerospace UCK348 Mühendislikte Bilgisayar Uygulamaları.
60059 Numerical Analysis A MAT202E Numerical Methods
70525 Aerospace Mechanics UZB352 Orbital Mechanics

Orbital Mechanics UZB352 Orbital Mechanics
61450 Matematical Statistics A MAT271 Probability and Statistics
86416 Aerospace Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
86222 Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics MUK203 Strength of Materials I
70527 Aerospace Structural Design UCK328 Structural Design
70534 Aircraft Engines UCK421 Tepki ile Tahrik

Aerospace Propulsion UCK421 Tepki ile Tahrik
70525 Aerospace Mechanics UZB352 Yörünge Mekaniği

İtalya Sannio Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

Bacic Electirk Circuit Th veya Electic Circuits ELE211 Elektrik Devre Temelleri

English III ING 201 Engineering III

Thermodynamics/Heat Tranfer UZB232 Isı Geçişi

Foundations of Materials Science and Eng. MAL201 Malzeme Bilimi

Stuctural Analysis MUK 203 Mukavemet I

Continuum Mechanics MUK 204 Mukavemet II

System Programming
İnt. Sci &Eng. Comp.

Basic of Probability Theory
Olasılık İstatistik

Fundamentals of Measurements UZB341 Ölçme Tekniği

Engineering Thermodynamics (Civil Eng.) UCK212 Termodinamik

Engineering Thermodynamics (Energy Eng.)


Universita Studi Di Napoli Federico II Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

Aerodynamics UCK351 Aerodinamik

Applied Aeroelasticity UCK472 Aeroelasticity

Aerospace Structures UZB331 Aerospace Structures

Aircraft Structures1 UCK416 Aircraft Structures(MT)

Gas Dynamics UZB 362 Compressible Aerodynamics

Aerospace Structures UZB318E Finite Element Method

Flight Mechanics UCK322 Flight Mechanics

Aircraft Manoeuvre and Static Stability UCK441E Flight Statibility and Control

Aircraft Jet Engines MAK434 Gas Turbines

Aircraft Structures II UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları

Helicopter Flight Mechanics€ UCK 459 Helicopter Theory (MT)

Aerospace Propulsion UCK 421 Jet Propulsion Systems

Probablity MAT271 Probablity and Statistics

Aerospace Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion

Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations

Aerospace Structures 2 UCK328 Structural Design (MT)

İsveç Kungliga Teknika Hogskolan İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
4E1238 Aeroelasticity UCK472 Aeroelastisite
2D1380 Artificial Intelligence BLG435E Artificial Intelligence
2E1200 Automatic Control UCK 362E Automatic Control
4E1113 Fibre Composites-Analysis and Design UCK236E Composite Materials
4E1114 Fiber Composites-Materials and Manufacturing UCK236E Composite Materials
SD2800 Experimental Aerodynamics UCK372 Deneysel Mühendislik
1N1703 Macroeconomics EKO201 Ekonomi
211401 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing ING201 English III
DN2260 The Finite Element Method UZB318E Finite Element Method
SD2601 Fundamentals of Flight UCK362E Flight Mechanics
SG2223 Fluid Mechanics AKM204E Fluid Mechanics
4E1111 Lightweight Structures and FEM UZB 331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
SD2615 Air Traffic Management and Modern Avionics UCK457 Havayolu İşletmeciliği
4E1239 Computational Aerodynamics UCK419 Hesaplamalı Aerodinamik
MH3253 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer UZB232 Isı Geçişi
AH2007 International Economics
AK1210 Swedish Society, Culture and Industry in Historical Pers.
DT2213 Mussical Communication and Music Technology
AK1210 Swedish Society, Culture and Industry in Historical Perspective
SE2126 Matematical Mechanics MAL201 Malzeme Bilimi
SD2155 Flow Acoustics
SD2416 Stuctural Optimisation and Sandwich Design
SD2151 Modern Multibody Dynamics
SD2601 Fundamentals of Flight MT MT
DN2255 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations UCK348 Müh. Bilg. Uygulamaları
DN2255 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations MAT202E Numerical Methods
2E1119 Measurement Technologies UZB341 Ölçme Tekniği
MJ2440 Measurement Tecniques UZB341 Ölçme Tekniği
HM1M03 Project Planning END339 Proje Planlama
DD2425 Robotics and Autonomous Systems UZB438 Robotik Kontrol Sistemleri
MJ2246 Rocket Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
5C1215 Compressible Flow UZB362 Sıkıştırılabilir Aerodinamik
5C1151 Modern Multibody Dynamics UZB3345 Sistem Dinamiği
EL1820 Modeling of Dynamical Systems UZB345 Sistem Dinamiği
EF2260 Space Environment and Spacecraft Engineering UZB411E Space Environment

Glasgow Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
7XPW Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 3 UCK351 Aerodinamik
7XPW Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics UCK 351 Aerodynamics
1A4X Aircraft Vibration and Aeroelasticity 4 UCK472 Aeroelasticity
89BN Aircraft Structures and Materials 3 UZB 331 Aerospace Structures
1BAW Aircraft Design for Performance 3 UCK 432 Aircraft Design
1A6X Aerospace Desingn Project UCK432 Aircraft Desingn
89BM Aircraft Structural Analysis & Design 3 UCK 416 Aircraft Structures
7DLW Dynamics and Control 3 UCK 362E Automatic Control
1A4X High Speed Aerodynamics 4 UZB 362 Compressible Aerodyanmics
1C7X Computational Fluid Dynamics 4 UCK 419 Computational Aerodynamics(MT)
3WHU Microeconomics E1 EKO201 Economy(ITB)
1C5Y Experimental Aerodynamics 5 UCK 372 Experimental Engineering
89BG Flight Mechanics 3 UCK 322E Flight Mechanics
1A2X Flight Dynamics 4 UCK441E Flight Stability and Control
7XWW Propulsion and Turbomachinery 3 MAK 434 Gas Turbines
9VAX Final Year Project 4 UCK492 Graduation Project
3MHU Managerial and Organizational Context E1 ITB151E Human Resources and Management (ITB)
7XWW Propulsion and Turbomachinery 3 UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles
3FJW Aerospace Instrumentation and Measurement 3 UZB3 41 Measurement Techniques
3MHU Managerial and Organizational Context E1
3GCU Managerial Accounting and Finance I ITB7th MT Electrive Courses
JEVW Numerical Methods in Aerospace Engineering 3 MAT202E Numerical Methods
1A6X Aerospace Desingn Project UCK451E Principles of Aircraft Design
5ZCW Aircraft Design for Performance 3 UCK451E Principles of Aircraft Design
3KKW Engineering Mathematics EE3 MAT 271 Probability and Statistics (TB)

Ecole De Nationale Superiore De Mechanique et D'aerotechnique İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
STA5 Aeronautical Structures UZB331 Aerospace Structures
DEF5 Large Deformations
AER4 Aerodynamics UCK351 Aerodynamics
BET5 Advanced Desing Project UCK432 Aircraft Desing
AUT4 Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
UnitS3-3 Automatique Control UCK362E Automatic Control
AUT3 Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
AUT3 Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
BET2 Engineering design project-CAD UZB487 CAD/CAM
COB5 Combustion UCK427 Combustion
AER4 Aerodynamics UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamics
AEN5 Numerical Aerodynamics UCK 419 Computational Aerodynamics
AER5 Aerodynamics I UZB362 Computational Aerodynamics
AED5 Aerodynamic 2
Units5a-2 Labartory Works UCK372 Deneysel Mühendislik
MEF5 Finite Elements Method UZB318E Finite Element Method
UnitS1-3 Anallytical Mechanics Flight Mechanics UCK322E Flight Mechanics
MEV2 Flight Mechanics UCK322E Flight Mechanics
MEC1 Analytical Mechanics
MFL2 Fluid Mechanics AKM204 Fluid Mechanics
TRC4 Heat Transfer UZB232 Heat Transfer
MTH1 Thermal Engines MAK354 IC Engines
MPR4 Engines and Propulsion Systems UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles
PRO5 Propulsion UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles
MPR4 Engines and Propulsion Systems
MTX3 Material Science MAL201 Material Science
ARC1 Electronics-Microprocessors BLG212 Microprocessor Systems
PHY1 Physics FIZ201 Modern Physics
DAA5 Atomic Diffusion and Applications
END5 Damage Mechanics
MEF4 Vibrations-Finite Element Method MT MT
Unit3s-2 Numerical Analysis and Fortran Computer Project MAT202E Numerical Methods
XXX Numerical Analysis and Fortran MAT202E Numerical Methods
UnitS3-1 Probalities MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik
PRO3 Probalities MAT271 Probability and Statistics
MDS3 Structure Mechanics MUK203 Strenght of Materials I
MSO1 Solid Mechanics MUK204 Strenght of Materials II
MDS3 Structure Mechanics MUK204 Strenght of Materials II
Units5e-3 Propulsion Transport and Turb. İn Combusiton UCK421 Tepki ile Tahrik
Unit4-3 Vibrations&FEM Project in Structures-FEM UCK226 Yapısal Titreşimler

IPSA Institut Polytechnique Des Sciences Avance İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
SH42 Sciences Humaines

SH43B Sociologie des Entreprises

SH44 Facteurs Humaines et Interface ITB 5th Semestre ITB
ME42B Calcul par la Methode Element Finis UZB318E Finite Element Method
EN41 Conception des Turbomachines UCK474E Aircraft Engine Design
SH52 Enjeux Societaux

SH53 Ethique de I'Ingenieur

SH55 Droit du Travail ITB 6th Semestre ITB
MI43 Economie: Gestion Financiere

MI44 Qualite- Teglemantation- Normes

MI45 Management des Grands Projets

MI46 Principes de Strategie d'Entreprise EKO201E Economics
AE57 Conception des Lanceurs UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
EN51 Propulsion Fusée UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
TEL53 Optique Spatiale UZB411E Space Environment
TEL52 Systémes des Télécommunications Spatiales UZB451E Spacecraft Communications
AE56 Conception des Satellites UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
EN42A Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 1

EN42B Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 2 MAK493E Internal Combustion Engines
SH42A Sciences Humaines A

SH42B Sciences Humaines B

SH43B Sociologie des Énterprises ITB 6th Semester ITB
ME42A Calcul par la Methode Element Finis TB 5th Semester TB
MI54 Final Project UZB492E Graduation Project
EN31 Transfert Thermiques UZB232E Heat Transfer
ME44 Technologie des Systémes Mécaniques UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
SH22 Culture Generale ITB 5th Semester ITB
MI33 Marketing EKO201 Ekonomi (2018)
MI43 Economie : Gestion Financiére EKO201E Economics
EN33 Introduction aux Turbomachines

EN41A Conceptions des Turbomachines 1

EN41B Conceptions des Turbomachines 2 UCK474E Aircraft Engine Design
In11 Algorithmie

In34 SP Initiation a la Programmation C BIL104E Intro. to Sci&Eng Comp(C) (2018)
SP551 Design of Satellites
Spacecraft Systems Design
SP552 Design of Launchers
SH501 Social Issues ITB 6th Seçmeli ITB Dersi
SH321 Seminaires Culturelles ITB 7th Seçmeli ITB Dersi (2018)
SH502 Ethics ITB 5th Seçmeli ITB Dersi
Computational Aerodynamics(CFD) MT 8th Seçmeli MT-I Dersi
Ae501 Irıtroduction to Hypersonic Aerodynamics MT  8th Seçmeli MT-II Dersi
FLE French FRA 301 French
ME412 Calculation of Structures by MEF TB  5th Seçmeli TB Dersi
ME411 Composite and Metal Materials TM  6th Seçmeli TM Dersi
EN415 Rocket Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
TEL511 Space Mechanics UZB352E Orbital Mechanics
Ln411 Complex Information Systems Modelling UCK372E Experimental Engineering
French FRA 302 French
 MA31C Calcul Differantial   MAT201 Diferansiyel Denklemler (2018) 
 ME31TC Mechanique Generale   DNK201 Dinamik (2018) 
 AE30 Mechanigue du Vol   UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2018) 
 LA31-1 Anglais Generale  ING102 İngilizce II (2018) 
 MA32A Resolution Numerigue de Systems Lineaires et Non-Lineaires  MAT202E  Numerical Methods (2018) 
 AU34 SP Programmation des Microcontrolleurs   BLG212 Mikroişlemci Sistemleri (2018) 
 EL31A SP Electronique Numerique   BLG231 Sayısal Devreler (2018) 
 LA31-2 Anglais Generale 2  ING201   İngilizce 201 (2018)
Delf University of Technology İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UCK 351 Aerodinamik
AE4-180 Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics (Ms. Sc)
AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UCK 351 Aerodynamics
AE2-202 I Airplane Performance II

Aircraft stuctural analysis I Exercise Flight Dinamics and Simulation UZB331 Aerospace Structure
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structrual Design UZB331 Aerospace Structures
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structural Design UZB331 Aerospace Structures
AE2-522 I Aircraft stuctural Analysis I
AE3-021 Aircraft Design UCK322 Aircraft Design
AE3-020 Aircraft Design UCK432 Aircraft Design
AE3-020P Aircraft Design Practical
AE3-020 Aircraft Design UCK432 Aircraft Design
AE3-020P Aircraft Design Practical
AE3-T75 Aircraft Systems UCK488 Aircraft Hydrolic Systems
AE3-295 Air Transportation and Systems
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers UCK457 Airline Management

Air Transportation an Systems I Air Transportation anf Systems II
Airline Management
AE3-295I Air transportation an systems II UCK 457 Airline Management (Turkish)
AE3-295II Air transportation an systems I
AE1-801 Space Engineering and Technology I UZB421E Attutude Determination and Control
AE4-305 Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control UZB 421E Attitude Determination and Control
AE4-305P Exercise Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control
AE3-359 Aerospace Systems and Control Theory UCK362E Automatic Control
AE3-359P Aerospace Systems and Control Theory Practical
ET1305 Linear Electrical Circuits ELE211 Basics of Electrical Circuits
xxxx Graduation Thesis UZB492 Bitirme Projesi

Composite Materials for Durable Structures
Composite Materials
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics UZB362 Compressible Aerodyanmics
AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UZB362 Compressible Aerodynamics
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK 372 Deneysel Mühendislik
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-193P Low speed Windtunnel Test-3
WI2029LR Differantial Equations MAT201 Differantial Equations
WI2051wbmt Differantial Equations ME/MT MAT201 Differantial Equations
WI2029LR Differential Equations
W12029LR Differential Equations MAT201 Differantial Equations
W13150TU Partial Differential Epuations I
AE1-914 II Delf Applied Mechanics course: Dynamics DNK201 Dinamik
AE1-914 I Delf Applied Mechanics course: Statics
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers EKO201 Economics

Low Speed Windtunnel Practical Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise Test Flight
Experimental Engineering
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK372 Experimental Engineering
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-193P Low Speed Windtunnel Test-3
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK372 Experimental Engineering
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-914 Dynamics and Stability UCK441E Flight Stability and Control
AE2-202 I Airplane Performance II
AE3-302 Flight Dynamics I UCK322E Flight Mechanics
CT2100 Fluid Mechanics AKM204E Fluid Mechanics

Thermodynamics and Gas Turbines
Gas Turbines
AE3-235 Thermodynamics and Gas Turbines MAK434 Gas Turbines
AE3-T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers

Graduation Thesis UCK 492 Graduation Project

Graduation Thesis UZB 492 Graduation Project
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structural Design UZB 331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
WM110TU English for Acedemic Purposes-3 ING103 ING103
WI3150TU Partial Differential Equations 1 UZB218E Partial Diff. Eq. İn Eng.
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
CT 4010 Economics ITB ITB
ID-5131 Business Marketing for Engineers ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB

Present Interest in Susta inable Engineering ITB ITB

Life Cycle Costings ITB ITB

Purchasing Management ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
WM0908TU Technics and Future ITB ITB
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineer for Aerospace Engineering ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
AE3-TD3 Present Interest in Sustainable Engineering ITB İTB
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers ITB İTB
AE3-T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers ITB İTB
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineer for Aerospace Engineering ITB İTB
WM0908TU Technics and Future ITB İTB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises İTB İTB
WM1115TU Elem. Course dutch for foreigners İTB İTB
WM1116TU Dutch for foreignes, follow up İTB İTB
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing II MAK 351 İmal Usulleri
WM110TU English for Acedemic Purposes-3 ING103 İNG103
WB4420 Gas Turbines UCK 421 Jet Propulsion Principles (Turkish)
AE2-192P Supersonic wind tunnel exercise
AE3-235 Termodynamics and Gas Turbines UCK 421 Jet Propulsion Principles (Turkish)
CT4010 Economics
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing MAK351 Manufacturing Processes

Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAK351 Manufacturing Processes
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing II UCK417 Manufacturing Processes
AE1701 Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAL201 Materials Science
AE1-701 Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAL201 Materials Science
AE-2-702P Practical Material Science
W11402LR Calculus II MAT102 Mathematics II
AE3-030 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics UCK 348 Müh. Bilgisayar Uygulamaları
AE3-30P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical
AE3-295I Air Transportation and Systems I MT MT
AE3-295II Air Transportation and Systems II
AE3-30P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical MT MT
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers MT MT
AE3-T75 Aircraft systems MT MT
AE2-202I Airplane Performance II MT MT
AE1-801 Space Engineering and Technology I MT MT
AE1-005 Introduction to aerospace engineering project MT MT
AE3-030 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics MT MT
AE3-803P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical I MT MT
AE1-005 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Project MT MT
ET4149TU Solar Cells MT MT
W13097TU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations Numerical Mathematics (Lab) MAT202E Numerical Mathematics

Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Numerical Methods
WI3097TU Numerical Mathematics C I MAT 202E Numerical Methods
WI3097TUP Numerical Mathematics C I Practical
AE4-S01 Thermal Rocket Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
AE4-140 Gas Dynamics_1
AE4-S01 Thermal Rocket Propulsion UZB 441E Rocket Propulsion
AE4-S01P Exercise Thermal Rocket Propulsion
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics UZB 362 Sıkıştırılabilir Aerodinamik
AE4-141 Gas Dynamics II
AE2-S02 Space Engineering a Teknology II UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE1-914III Delft Applied Mechanics Course: Mechanics of Materials MUK 203 Strength of Materials I
AE1914 III Delf applied Mechanics of Materials MUK 203 Strength of Materials I
AE2-914 Vibrations of Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
AE2-914 Vibrations of Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
AE3-303P Exercise Flight Dynamics and Simulation
AE4-S12 Space System Engineering UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE4-875 Precise Orbit Determination of Satellites
AE4-S12 Space Systems Engineering UZB 422E Spacecraft System Design
AE2-S02 Space Engineering and Technology II
AE4-S12 Space System Engineering UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE3-803 Space Engineering and Technology III
AE3-803P Excercise Space Engineering and Technology III
AE2-803 Space Engineering a Teknology III UZB411E Space Environment
AE3-803P Exersise Space Engineering and Technology III
WB1217 Strength of Materials 2 MUK 204 Strength of Materials II
AE-2522I Aircraft Stuctural Analysis I
WB4100 Thermodynamics 1Wb en MT UCK212 Thermodynamics
WB1224 Thermodynamics 2
IE3320 Introduction Renewable Energy Systems TM TM
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Design UCK416 Uçak Yapıları (SB)
AE3-T75 Aircraft Systems UCK 488 Uçak Hidrolik Sistemleri
AE3-295 Air Transportation and Systems

Universita Delgi Studi Di Napoli Federico II İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

Aerodynamics UCK351 Aerodinamik
ING-IND/04 Strutture Aerospeziali UZB331 Aerosapce Structures
ING-IND/15 Disegno Tecnico Aerospaziali UZB112 Computer Aided Techincal Drawing
MAT/05 Analisi Matematica II MAT201 Differential Equations
MAT/07 Fisica Matematica DNK 201 Dynamics

Business Economics and Organization EKO201 Ekonomi

Aerospace Structures UZB318E Finite Element Method
20019 Mechanics of The Flight UCK322E Flight Mechanics
20017 Aerospace Structures I UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
20030 Flight Mechanics of Helicopters UCK459 Helikopter Teorisi
ING-IND/05 Elementi di Informatica BİL108 Int. to Scientific and Engineering Computing

Strenght of Materials MUK203 Mukavemet I

Strenght of Materials MUK204 Mukavemet II

Statistics and Calculus of Probability MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik
6800 General Psychology I ITB220 Psikolojiye Giriş
ING-IND/22 Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Aerospeziali MAL201 Science of Materials
18015 General Sociology I ITB203 Sosyolojiye Giriş

Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations

Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
AE_I Aerodynamics I UCK351E Aerodynamics 

Advanced Structural Mechanics II UZB331 Aerospace Structures

Aircraft Structural Analysis I
Aerospace Structures
Exercise Flight Dynamics and Simulation

Aircraft Engineering II UCK432 Aircraft Design

Air Transportation an Systems I
Airline Management
Air Transportation and systems II

Fluid Mechanics AKM204E Akışkanlar Mekaniği

Fluid Mechanics Übung
 STR1 Fluid Mechanics  I  AKM205E Fluid Mechanics 

Space Dynamics II UZB421E Attitude Determination&Contorl

Space Dynanics II Lecture UZB421E Attitude Determination&Control

BSMb-6822/11 Gas Dynamic UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamics (2018)

Basic of Electrial Cirtuits ELE 211 Elektirk Devre Temelleri

Basic of Electrial Cirtuits Übung

Low Speed Wintunnell Practical
Experimental Engineering
Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
Test Flight

Finite Berechnungsmethoden im Leichtbau I (Vorlesung und Übung) UZB318E Finite Element Methods

Finite Element Method in Lightweight Design Lecture
Finite Element Method (TB)

Finite Element Method in Lightweight Design Exercise

Flight Mechanics I UCK441E Flight Stability and Control

Flight Dynamics
Flight Stability and Control

Flight Mechanics II UCK441E Flight Stability and Control
BSMB-4006 Fluid Mechanics I AKM204E Fluid Mechanics

Thermodynamics and Gas Turbines
Gas Turbines

Gas Turbines MAK434E Gas Turbines

Graduation Project
Graduation Project

Medical Technic Lecture UCK465 Havacılık ve Uzay Tıbbı (ITB)

Medical Technic Exercise

Helikopter Engineering
Helikopter Teorisi (MT)

Heat Transfer UZB232 Isı Transferi

Heat Transfer Übung

Informatic for Machine Building BİL104E Int. to Sci&Eng. Computing

Informatic for Machine
MSSUMWE-2202 History Sustainability
ITB (2018)

The Bases of Western Civilization ITB ITB

European State System 1918-1948 ITB ITB

The Bases of Western Civilization ITB ITB

European State System 1918-1948 ITB ITB

The Bases of Western Civilization ITB ITB
 QPM Quality and Project Management   ITB  6. YY. ITB 
BSBWL-664/2 Multinational Enterprises ITB ITB

Manufacturing Processes UCK417 Manufacturing Prosses (MT)

Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing
Manufacturing Prosses (MT)

Manufacturing Processes Lecture UCK417 Manufacturing Processes (MT)

Manifacturing Processes Exercise

Spacecraft Engineering II MT MT

Flight Mechanics II MT MT

Aircraft Systems MT MT

Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structrual Design MT MT

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Project MT MT
BSMB2201 Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering MT MT

Fundamentals and Techics of Fuel Cell Exercise MT

Material Science MAL201 Malzeme Bilimi

Material Science Übung

Mechanics I MUK203 Mukavemet I

Mechanics I Übung

Mechanics II MUK204 Mukavemet II

Mechanics IIÜbung
BSMB-4101 Numerical Analysis MAT202E Numerical Methods
MSLRT-1201 Raumflugmechanik I UZB352E Orbital Mechanics(2018)
BSMATH-86 Physik II FIZ102E Physics II

Aircraft Engineering I UCK451E Priciples of Aircraft Design

Raumfahrtantriebe II (Vorlesung und Übung) UZB441E Rocket Propulsion

Spacecraft Propulsion Lecture UZB411E Rocket Propulsion

Spacecraft Propulsion Exercise

Spacecraft Engineering I Lecture UZB411E Space Environment

Spacecraft Engineering I Exercise

Spacecraft Engineering I UZB422E Spacecraft System Design

Raumfahrzugbau (Vorlesung Und Übung) UZB422E Spacecraft System Design

Spacecraft Engineering II Lecture UZB422E Spacecraft System Design

Spacecraft Engineering II Exercise

Spacecraft Engineering I UZB422E Spacecraft System Design

Shock Waves II

Vibrations of Aerospace Structures
Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
BSMB-2005 Thermoddynamics I/II UCK212 Thermodynamics

Thermodyanimc I UCK212 Termodinamik

Thermodynamic Übung

Flugzeugsysteme (Vorlesung) UCK488 Uçak Hidrolik Sistemleri

Flugzeugbau (Vorlesung Und Übung) UCK416 Uçak Yapıları

Leichtbau Grundlagen des Strukturentwurfs (Vorlesgun Und Übung) UCK328 Yapı Tasarımı
 4011727 Heat and Mass Transfer I
 UZB232E Heat Transfer (2019) 
4011476  Control Engineering
UCK362E   Automatic Control (2019)

Measurement Laboratory

UZB341E Measurement Techniques (2019)
4011452 Fundamentals of Ligthweight Design UZB331E Aerospace Structures (2019)
Machine Design Process UCK361E Design of Machine Elements (2019)
MSCAME-1011/12 Finite Element Methods for Engineers UZB318E Finite Element Method (2018)
4018565 Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering II  UCK348E Computer Applications in Engineering 6. YY. TM (2019)
 4010861  Fundamentals of Flight Mechanics  UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2019)
 4011169  Flight Mechanics Lab  UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2019)

 RWTH German Course
 ALM401 ITB 7. YY.Seçime Bağlı Ders (2019)
Aircraft Propulsion I UCK421E Jet Propulsion Principles
Kinematics, Dynamics and MT002 Introduction to Robotics
Aerodynamics I UCK351E Aerodynamics (2018)
Mechanics of Composite Materials UCK236E Composite Materials
Mathematics II MAT261E Linear Algebra
QPM Quality Management in Project Management
TM 6.Dönem Seçime Bağlı TM Dersi
BE Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
ITB 8.Dönem Seçime Bağlı ITB Dersi
TV_I Technical Combustion I UCK427E Combustion 


Univesidad De Sevilla İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
1230025 Aerodinamical UCK351 Aerodynamics
1230047 Aeroelasticity UCK472 Aeroelastisite

Estructuras Aerospaciales UZB331 Aerospace Structures
1230073 Explotacion del Transporte Aereo UCK457 Airline Management
1230072 Explotacion, Mantenimiento Y Gestion de Aeropuertos UCK457 Airline Management
1230022 Mecanica de Fluidos I AKM205 Akışkanlar Mekaniği
1230027 Control Automatico UCK362E Automatic Control

Avionica y systemas de navegacion UCK448 Avionic Systems
1230037 Mechanism of Composite Materials UCK236E Composite Materials
1230037 Mecanica de los Materiales Compuestos UCK 236E Composite Materials

Aerodinamica II UZB362 Compressible Aerodynamics

Diseno Mecanico UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
1230032 Flight Mechanics I UCK322E Flight Mechanics
1230048 Sistemas de Control de Vuelo UCK441E Flight Stability and Control
12300022 Mecanica de Fluidos I AKM204E Fluid Mechanics
12300028 Transmision de Calor UZB232 Heat Transfer
1300022 Management and Control of Puclic Spending ITB151E Human Resources and Management

Tecnologia Electronica ELE222E Int. to Electronics
1230038 Technology Manufacturing Aerospace MAK351 İmal Usulleri
1230017 sistemas Propulsion UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles

Sistemas de Control Propulsion UCK421 Jet Propulsion Principles

Explotacion, Mantenimiento Y Gestion de Aeropuertos
1230016 Resistencia de Materiales MUK204 Mukavemet II
1230023 Metodos Matematicos MAT202E Numerical Methods
1230019 Metodos Estadisticos de la Ingenierla MAT271 Probability and Statistics
1230046 Aerodynamics II UZB362 Sıkıştırılabilir Aerodinamik
1970022 Aerodinámica I
UCK351 Aerodinamik
1970013 Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales Aeroespaciales
MAL201 Malzeme Bilimi
1970031 Sistemas de propulsión UCK421 Tepki ile Tahrik
1970060 Sistemas de Aeronaves MT 7.Dönem MT
1970003  Emprasa ITB 8.Dönem Seçime Bağlı Ders ITB
Technical University Munich İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

Regelungstechnik UCK362E Automatic Control

Praktikum: CAD im Flugzeugbau CATIA V5 UZB487 CAD/CAM

Praktikum Faserverbundwerkstoffe UCK236E Composite Materials

Gasdynamik UZB362E Compresssible Aerodynamics

Praktikum Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik UCK372 Deneysel Mühendislik

Flugsystemdynamik 2 UCK322E Flight Mechanics

Übung Flugsytemdynamik 2

Luft-und Raumfahrtstrukturen UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları

Luft-und Raumfahrtmedizin UCK465 Havacılık ve Uzay Tıbbı

Unıversity of Patras İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
EY511 Aero / Gas Dynamics UCK351 Aerodinamik
415 Finite Element Methods I UZB318E Finite Element Method
313 Fluid Mechanics AKM204E Fluid Mechanics
EY512 Gas Turbine Theory MAK434 Gaz Türbinleri
24ME38 Light Structures UZB331 Hava Uzay Yapıları (2018)
ITE114 History of Technology I
7.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB (2018)
ITE113 Introduction to Philosophy I ITB205E Introduction to Philosophy
218 Manufacturing System I: Theory and Practise UCK417 İmal Usulleri
317 Applied Statistics I
5. YY. Seçime Bağlı TB (2018)
 317 Applied Statistics I
MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik (2018)
EE531 Aerospace Propulsion Systems UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
114 Engineering Materials MAL201E Materials Science
EE514 Experimental Fluid Dynamics UZB372E Experimental Engineering
Math 111 Mathematics I MAT103E Mathematics I
Made 312 Machine Design UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
Elec 217 Indroduction to Electric Circuit Analysis and Electric Machines ELK221E Fundamentals of Electric. Eng.
Stam 124 Statics STA201E Statics
Inco 422 Introduction to Composite Materials UCK236E Composite Materials
Phil 123 Introduction to Philosophy II - 8th Semester Elec. Cour. II
Vtol428 Aerodynamics of Helicopters and Vertial Take-off Behicles UCK459E Helicopter Theory
24IT114 History of Tecnology I
8 YY. Seçime Bağlı ITB (2019)
24KY1 Applications of Artificial Intelligence
6. YY. Seçime Bağlı TM (2019)
Nume 328 Numerical Methods MAT202E Numerical Methods
24KY9 Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

7. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT (2019)
 Heat Transfer I
Transport Phenomena
 UZB232 Isı Geçişi (2018)
   Introduction to Greek Civilization And Culture    8. YY. Seçime Bağlı ITB (2019)
   Introduction to Manufacturing System    7. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT (2018)
 24ME19 Aeronautical Materials

UCK215E Aerospace Materials (2018)
 24213 Mechanics (Dynamics )  DNK201E Dynamics (2019) 
 24128 Special Topics in Physics for Engineers   FIZ101E Physics I (2018) 
 24218 Manufacturing Processes & Laboratory I     6. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT (2019)
 24ME38 Thermodynamics I   UCK205 Termodinamik I (2018) 


Brno University Of Technology İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
FSI-OA1-A- Aerodynamics I UCK351E Aerodynamics (2019)
OLR-A Aircraft Materials UCK215E Aerospace Materials (2019)
OPP-A- Comp. Aided Des. And man UZB487E CAD/CAM (2019)
OPK-A- Aircraft Structure UZB331E Aerospace Structures (2019)
 6TT-A  Thermomechanics  UCK205E  Thermodynamics I (2019)
6TT-A Thermomechanics UCK206E Thermodynamics II (2019)
5DT-A Dynamics DNK201E Dynamics (2019)
5HY-A Hydromechanics AKM214E Fluid Mechanics I
NMNM Modern Numerical Methods MAT 202E Numerical Methods (2020)
VT9 Art-Drawing
5. YY. ITB (2019)
FSI-ZSY-A Finite Element Method and ANSYS Classic UZB 318E Finite Element Method (2018)
 6KP-A Solution of Basic Problems of Solids by FEM    7. YY. TM (2019)
4PP-A Strength of Materials I MUK 203E Strength of Materials I (2020)
OZK-A Aircraft Testing MT 6. YY. MT (2020)
FSI-5KS-A Machine Design - Machine Elements UCK 361E Design of Machine Elements (2019)
OAE-A Aeroelasticity
7. YY. TM (2019)
FA-VT9 Art Art-Drawing I
5. YY ITB (2019)
FSI-3M-A Mathematics III MAT 201E Differential Equations
VCP-A C and C++ Programming Languages BIL 110E Intr to Sci&Eng Comp (C) (2018)
BYCI The Czech Language for Foreigners ITB 6. YY. ITB (2019)
FSI-6TT-A Thermomechanics UCK212E Thermodynamics (2019)
FSI-HC2-A Application of CAD/CAM in Machining Technology II MT -
FSI-OSZ-A Czech Language 1
ITB 6. YY. ITB (2019)
FSI-3ST-A Statics STA 201E Statics (2019)
2M-A Mathematics II MAT 104E Mathematics II (2018)
1M-A Mathematics I MAT 103E Mathematics I
0M0-A Material Sciences for Mechanical Engineering
MAL 201E Material Science (2019)
FSI-GSE-A Sensoric and Elements of Artificial Inteligence UZB 341E Measurement Techniques (2018)
FSI-RKD-A Kinematics and Dynamics of Machatronic Systems MT 8. YY. MT (2019)
 FSI-OPP-A  Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing MT   8. YY. MT (2019)
Comp. Aided Des. And man
UZB112E Computer Aided Drafting (2019)
OSZ-A Aircraft Structure MT -
FSI-OA2-A- Aerodynamics II UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamics (2020)
FSI-OPO-A- Aircraft Maintenance MT 7. YY MT (2020)
CASS Signals and Systems Analysis TM 6. YY TM (2019)
CEL1 Electrical Engineering I ELK221E Fundamentals of Electric. Eng.
 FSI-VA1-A  Control Theory I  UCK360E  Automatic Control I (2019)
 FSI-OLE-A  Aircraft Propulsion  UCK421E  Jet Propulsion Principles (2019)
 6AA-A  Automation  UCK362E  Automatic Control (2020)
 4M-A Mathematics IV
Probability and Statistics (2020)
 FRM-A Robots and Manipulators
6.YY TM (2020)
 IPT-A Heat and Mass Transfer
 Heat Transfer


Hannover Ünv. İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

Thermodynamik und Statik MTO212 Atmosfer Termodinamiği

Übung zu Thermodynamik

Kinematik und Dynamik MTO332 Dinamik Meteoroloji II

Theoretische Meteorologie II MTO332 Dinamik Meteoroloji II
DE415 Deutsche Wirtschaftssprache (B2) EKO201 Ekonomi

Synoptische Meteorologie I MTO321 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü I

Synoptische Meteorologie II MTO322 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü II

Synoptische Meteorologie II MTO322 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü II


Einführung in die Klimatologie MTO252 Klimatoloji

Wolken Physik MTO342E Physics of Cloud and Precipitation

Fernerkundung II MTO418E Remote Sensing in Meteorology
44827 Fernerkundung MTO418E Remote Sensing in Meteorology
44905 Seminar Strahlung und Fernerkundung

Numerische Wettervorhersage MTO447 Sayısal Hava Öngörüsü

Ozeanographie MT Seçmeli

Physic der Atmosphare I MT Seçmeli

Physic der Atmosphare II MT Seçmeli

Praktikum zur Numerischen Wetterforhersage MT Seçmeli

Theoretische Meteorologie III MT Seçmeli

Theoretische Meteorologie III MT Seçmeli

Agarmeteorologie MTO325 Tarım ve Orman Meteorolojisi I

Bachelorabeit TM TM Dersi

Fernerkunding JDF321 Uzaktan Algılama

Strahlung II TB 7. y.y. TB Dersi

Übung zu strahlung
DE221 Phonetik (Deutch) İTB 7. yy. Seçmeli ITB

Wageningen Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
Atmospheric Practical
5.Semester Elective Course (2020)
Introduction Atmosphere
Introduction to Atmospheric Science (2020)
Atmosphere Vegetation-Soil Interactions
6.Semester Elective Course (2020)
Field Practical Hydrology, Water Quality and Meteorology
7.Semester Elective Course (2020)
Marine Life
8.Semester Elective Course (2020)
MAQ23303 Air Pollution:Exposure and Health Effects MT Seçmeli
MAQ11306 AirQuality MT Seçmeli
MAQ22806 Atmosphere Vegetation Soilnteractions MT Seçmeli
MAQ21306 Atmospheric Chemistry and air quality MT Seçmeli
MAQ30306 Atmospheric Practical MT Seçmeli
MAQ34306 Cloudsand Climate TB Seçmeli
MAQ33306 Field exp.meteorology and air quality MT Seçmeli
HWM23306 FieldPracticalHydrology WaterQualtyand Meteorology MT Seçmeli
MAQ31806 Messoscle Meteorological Modelling MT Seçmeli
MAQ11306 Air Quality TM Temel Mühendislik
MAQ31806 Atmospheric Modelling MTO346E Air Pollution Modelling
MAQ70804 Research Project MTO336E Air Pollution Meteorology

University of Bonn İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
MET521 Thermodynamick der Atmosphare MTO212 Atmosfer Termodinamiği
EDV Für Meteorologen MTO486 Bilgisayar Grafiğine Giriş
MET320 Theoretische Meteorologie 1 MTO331 Dinamik Meteoroloji 1
MET520 Theoretische Meteorologie 2
MET411 Einfuhrung in die Synoptik MTO321 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü I
MET412 Wetterbesprechung

Radar Meteorology MTO418E Int. To Remove Sensing
MET311 Klimatologie MTO252 Klimatoloji

Complex Analysis İn Several Variables MAT205 Kompleks Fon. Teorisi

Mathematik Für Physiker MAT261 Lineer Cebir

Einfuhrung in die Statistik MAT271 Olasılık ve İstatistik

Physics das Klimasytemsund Klimamodellerung MT Seçmeli

Theoretische Meteorologie MTO333 Atmosfer Dinamiği I

Einführungin die Fernerkundung JDF321 Uzaktan Algılama

Atmospharische Grenzchict und Mesoskalige Phanomene MTO411E Micrometeorology

Arbeits und Prasentationstechnik zur Klimatologie MTO437E Physical Climatology

Arbeits und Prasentationstechnik zur Fernerkundung MTO418E Remote Sensing in Meteorology

Cloud Microphysics MTO342E Physics of Clouds and Precipation

EDV für Meteorologen MTO487 Bilgisayar Grafiğine Giriş

Bologna Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
30261 Chimica Dell'atmosfera MTO323 Atmosfer Kimyası
58268 Planetary Boundary Layer and Diffusion Processes MTO411E Micrometeorology
55342 Complements of Earth Physics
49474 Lab based Course on Atmospheric Measurement
21995 Physical Chemistry of the Stratosphere
49473 Physics of the Atmosphere
18474 Meteorology and Oceanography DEN314 Oseonografi
18474 Ocenografi Meteorologia DEN314 Oşinografi
40500 Physical of Clouds MTO342E Physics of Clouds and Precipitation
21995 Physical Chemistry of the Stratosphere MT Seçmeli ders
37983 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology MTO489 Çevre Biyofiziği

Albert Ludwing Üniversitesi İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
NF2 Atmosphere Grenzschicht
MT Seçmeli
NF3 Historiche Klimaarchie und Palöoklimaarchive
MT Seçmeli
NF5 Klima Urbaner Raume
MT Seçmeli
NF6 Luftschadstaffe
MT Seçmeli
NF4 Rezenter Wandel/Ozencrien
MT Seçmeli
NF1 Wetter, Wittering und Klima
MT Seçmeli

Informatik I
TM Seçmeli

Informatik II
TM Seçmeli

Rheinische Friedrich Wilhems Universty İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
MET321 Grunlagen der Theoretischen Meteorologie MTO331 Dinamik Meteoroloji I
MET421 Atmospharische Hydrodynamik
MET411 Einführung in die Sinoptik MTO321 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü I
MET412 Wetterbesprechung I
MET511 Synoptik für Fortgeschrittene Wetterbesprechung MTO322 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü II

Radar Meteorolgy MT İngilizce seçmeli

Introduction to Remote Sensing MT418 Remote Sensing
MET431 Arbeits und Prasentationtechnik zur Klimatologie MT Seçmeli
MET61 Physik der atmospharischen Grenzschicht MT Seçmeli
MET310/ MET311 Physik des Klimasystems und Klimamodellierung MT Seçmeli
MET552 Wolkenmikrophysik MT Seçmeli
MET416 Einführung in die Fernerkundung JDF321 Uzaktan Algılama

Einführung in die Synoptik

 Weather Analysis and Prediction I (2020)
 7960  Atmosp. Grenzschicht und mesosk. Phanomene  MTO426E  Micrometeorology(2020)
 7850  Theoretische MeteorologieII  MTO340E  Atmospheric Dynamics II (2020)
 7941  Arbeits-und Prasentationstechnik zur Klimatologie  MT  6. Semester MT Elective Course (2020)

German Intensive Course
ALM 201
German III (2020)
University of Hamburg İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
OSF Optik Strahlung Fernerkundung MTO497 Atmosferde Optik ve Akustik
SYN Syonoptiche Meteorologie II MTO322 Hava Analizi ve Öngörüsü II

WF Wahifach MT Seçmeli

Einführüng in die Meteorologie MT Seçmeli
SP Turbulanz und Greızıchicht MT Şeçmeli

Faculty of Mathematics İTÜ
Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
ETM Einführung in die Theoretische Meteorologie MTO331 Dinamik Meteoroloji 1
OSF Optik, Stahlung, Fernerkunding MTO418E Remote Sensing in Meteorology
SP Turbülenz und Grenzschicht MT Seçmeli
WF Wahlfach MT Seçmeli

Conceptual Models of Complex Systems MT Seçmeli
Development, Application and Analysis

Warsaw University of Technology İTÜ
Dersin Kodu
Dersin Adı
Dersin Kodu
Dersin Adı
ANK307 Aircraft Design 1
UCK451E Principles of Aircraft Design
Aircraft Engine Design 1
MT 7th MT
ANW123 Basics of Automation and Control
UCK362E Automatic Control
ANK479 Finite Element Method 2
TB 5th TB
ANK423 Heat Transfer 1
UZB232E Heat Transfer
ANW124 Machine Design 1
UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
ANK365 Machine Design 3
UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
ANK457 Mechanics of Flight 2
UCK322E Flight Mechanics
Rotorcraft Aeromechanics
MT 8th MT
ANK433 Propulsion System
UCK421E Jet Propulsion Principles
ANK472 Mechanics of Flight 
UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2018)
ANK351 Measurement and Technique of Experiment
UCK372E Experimental Engineering (2018)
ANW125 Machine Design 2
UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
ANK424 Heat transfer 2
UZB232E Heat Transfer
ANK342 Finite Element Method 1
TB 5th TB (2018)
ANK380 Combustion and Fuels
TM 6th TM (2018)
ANS631 Aircraft Engine Design
MT 7th MT
ANK308 Aircraft Design 2
UCK451E Principles of Aircraft Design
ANW112 Economics ITB 8th ITB
Thermodynamics 1
UCK212E Thermodynamics (2018)
ANK413 Thermodynamics 3
EDCI Digital Circuits
TM 6th TM
ANK459 Vibration and Aerolasticity
MT 8th MT
ANW101 Algebria and Geometry
MAT216E Linear Algebra
ANK380 Combustion and Fuels
- 6th Semester Elective Course(TM)
ANK315 Aircraft Maintenance
- 7th Semester Elective Course(MT)
ENUME  Numerical Methods
MAT202E Numerical Methods
 ANK467  Aeronautical System I  UCK461E  Aircraft Instruments
 ANK458  Aeronautical System II
 ANW107  Materials I  MAL201E  Material Science
 ANW117  Mechanics of Structures  MUK203E  Strength of Materials (2018)
 Opole University  İTÜ
 Dersin Kodu  Dersin Adı  Dersin Kodu  Dersin Adı
 M059  Heat Transfer  UZB317  Isı Geçişi (2019)
 M004  Material Science  UCK215E  Aerospace Materials (2019)
 M075  Basics of Business Entities of Economy  ECO201E  8th Seçmeli ITB Dersi
 M020  Advanced CAD/CAE Design  UZB487E  8th Seçmeli MT Dersi
 M013  Fluid Mechanics   AKM205E  Fluid Mechanics
 M032  Basics of Automatics  UCK360E  Automatic Control I (2019)
 M016  Measurement Method in Mechanical  Engineering  UZB341E  Measurement Technigues (2019)
 Computer Aided Programming of the CNC Machine Tools
 UZB487E  5. yy. Seçime Bağlı (TM) (2019)
Mechanics Elements and Machine Design
  6. yy. Seçime Bağlı (TM) (2019)
 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet  İTÜ
 Dersin Kodu  Dersin Adı  Dersin Kodu  Dersin Adı
 12320  Hydrology  MTO222  Hidroloji
 12205  Climate change-impacts,mitigation and  adaptation  MTO479E  Climate Change
 47205  Energy Technologies  MTO457  Enerji Meteorolojisine Giriş
 46010  Wind Turbine Racer  MT  8.yy Seçmeli MT Ders
 47202 Introduction to future Energy
 Introduction to Energy Meteorology
 12102 Environmental Processes
 MT  8.yy Seçmeli MT Ders
 12228  Urban Air Pollution
 MTO315E  Air Pollution Fundamentals
 30730 Space Weather Forecast and Effects
 UZB411E  Space Environment
 11142 Daylight and Lighting
 MT  7.yy Seçmeli MT Ders
 62618 Economics for Engineers
 EKO201E Economics


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Ders Kodu

Ders Adı

Ders Kodu

Ders Adı


Termodinamica de la atmosfera


Atmosfer Termodinamiği



5. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT


Historia de la fisica


Günlük yaşamımızda fizik




Mühendislik Etiği






Meteorologia dinamica


Atmospheric Dynamics I


Estatistica y analisis datos


Data Analysis


Geofisica y meteorologia aplicadas

6. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT


Energia y medio ambiante

7. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT


Fisica de la atmosfera

7. YY. Seçime Bağlı MT

University of Stutgart 

Ders Kodu

Ders Adı

Ders Kodu

Ders Adı


Warmeübertragung/Warmestrahlung-Heat Transfer/Heat Radiation


Isı Geçişi


Fluid Dyanamics II-Strömungslehre II


Akışkanlar Mekaniği II


Indroduction to Helicopter Technology-Einführung in die Hubschraubertechnik


Helikopter Teorisi


Aircraft Engines and Combustion-Luftfahrttriebwerke und Verbrennung




Systems Engineering II-Systemtechnik Grundlagen II


Flight Mechanics


Flugzeugaerodynamik I-Aircraft Aerodynamics and Aircraft




Basic Principles of Business Adminstation for Engineers


8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB


Future Work-Life-Future Work Life


8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB


Flight Control Systems-Flugregelungssysteme


Flight Stability and Control


Lightweight Construction I-Leichtbau I


Hava Uzay Yapıları


MentorING-Qualification for Student Tutors-MentorING-Tutoren-Qualifizierung


8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB


Interkulturelles Management-Intercultural Management


8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB


Free Art as a Medium of Self-Reflection-Freie Kunst als Medium der Selbstreflexion


5.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB


Turkish 2 (A1/A2)-Türkisch 2


8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB